Liking the likes

John 18:36 ESV

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world.”

The Lord asked me a question not too long ago….”Whose kingdom are you building?”

This question came after a long list of frustrations brought to my Father, discontented with ministry and blinded by comparison.  I emptied my pockets full of self-doubt, insecurity, heartache, entitlement, and more and tried to lay them at the feet of Jesus once again.  That still, small voice never ceases to stop me in my tracks.

Can we all agree that we like to be ‘liked?”  Whether the liking comes from our cyber friends in social media, or from the real people we sit next to everyday….we like to be liked.  (Yes, I know people who act as if they don’t give a hoot what anyone thinks of them…my feeling is these are the people who crave it the most.)

Confession: I check social media too often after a posting, words or pictures it doesn’t matter- I want to know who has seen it and who approves.  As if the virtual thumbs up will provide some sort of affirmation, and my anxious heart will finally find rest in self-confidence and validation.  False.

I notice my tendencies and turn my phone face down.  But it is a sort of affirmation I reason, and I pick up my phone again. I like to be liked.

God’s kingdom is upside down to the one we presently live in.  Get low to be raised up.  The last will be first.  Be poor and yet be rich.  Die to live.

It’s the dying which brings me to my knees.  Because truth be told, I don’t want to “die.”  I want to matter…make a difference…do a good job.  And yet, I already have the approval of my Abba.  Why then do I look for it in other places?

Scripture tell us, “knock and the door will opened.”  And so I get on my knees again, every day, ringing the doorbell to the heart of Jesus.  Our humanity is a revelation for necessary grace.

His life paints such a picture of self-less beauty.  Jesus was not concerned with popularity.  He came to “seek and save the lost.”  His business and His Father’s business were one and the same.  Oh that it might be the same here….now.

Friends, may we (myself included) find our worth, purpose and acceptance solely in our Savior King.  May we be consumed with the agenda of our Abba, letting our own agenda fall to the ground.  May we rest well tonight, knowing His eyes gaze upon us in approval and love.

His approval and love is all that really matters anyway.