Into the Woods…with God

I grew up in the country, far away from “city life.”  Inconvenient at times, yes.  But it was a slower pace with less noise; fewer cars with more space.  Though I have made my home in Dallas, I miss life in the small town.  For about a year when I was in 2nd grade, we lived even farther out in an even smaller town.  Only a short wooden fence separated us from the woods.  At times, wild animals (and snakes) would cross the makeshift barrier and find their way into our pasture.  I never remember feeling afraid of what lay beyond the pines so to speak.  I have vivid memories of riding my bike down our gravel driveway and stopping in front of the fence.  I would sit and stare into the trees, my childhood imagination running away with the wind.

I have a handful of good memories with my father.  One time, he took me on a “treasure hunt.”  We waded through leaves and pushed limbs out of our way as we combed the wilderness floor.  We walked and walked, for hours it seemed in little-kid time.  When we found our exit, I had a pocket full of old Native American arrow heads and a tick bite.  And I couldn’t wait to go again.

Isaiah 40:3 NRS

“A voice cries out: In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord.”

A teacher and mentor of mine recently published a blog post entitled “The Wilderness Spaces”- (It is such a good read.)  Her post resonated with me and reminded me of a journal entry I made a few weeks ago.

Words translated as “wildnerness” occur nearly 300 times in the Bible (  300 times.  (If I had to take a guess, I would have guessed a number much lower.)  So clearly, the wilderness was a place with which many were acquainted.  The story that stands out to me is the one of Moses and the Israelites.  Which leads me to think of the wilderness as a place of wandering, feeling lost, loneliness, uncertainty and need.  I am well acquainted with the wilderness place and feel I have actually spent the majority of my life navigating that spiritual forest.  And like the Israelites, I have done my fair share of complaining…I am thankful God doesn’t get tired of my voice. 

Interestingly, the Hebrew translation of wilderness is “midbar,” which means desert.  (Strong’s)  It makes sense, since I also picture it as a place of wandering, feeling lost, loneliness, uncertainty and need.  Truthfully, I’ve actually never had a desire to visit the desert.  It’s dry and hot and I would most likely be uncomfortable.  However, I have a few friends who live in Arizona.  They post amazing pictures of red mountains and pink sunsets. I look at those pictures and can’t help but think of God’s handiwork.  Sometimes beauty is found where we least expect it.

The scripture above reminds us that the wilderness (and/or desert) place is inevitable.  I think we can all testify to that.  But read the last few words again.  “Prepare the way of the Lord.”

To prepare is to make ready…to expect.  Though “His way” surpasses our human intellect and understanding, we can be sure He will always show up.  Notice how “the way of the Lord” is also described in this verse:  “The way of the Lord is a refuge for the blameless.”  Proverbs 10:29 NIV.  In the New Living Translation, the word “refuge” is replaced with “stronghold.”  And I love the King James Version: “The way of the Lord is strength to the upright.”

My friends, we are all on a faith journey and it is nothing short of an adventure.  Twists, turns and unexpected paths will meet us along the way.  But let us remember: No matter what, shelter is found in The Almighty.  He is rest and respite and He is strong when we are lacking.  He is our constant companion and the director of our paths.  Always with us, and always for us, He is a good, good God.

2 Comments on “Into the Woods…with God

February 13, 2015 at 2:17 pm

I needed to read that this morning. The past few weeks have left me “dry in a weary land where there is no water…” Although I know that I know that I know that the Lord is there and never leaves us, we do experience moments of feeling alone in our fight (whatever that may be). It’s nice to be reminded that we’re never alone in the wilderness! Good job!

February 13, 2015 at 4:07 pm

Maybe that’s why I felt so impressed to write it…I planned to bake cookies and watch mindless TV. But the Lord wouldn’t leave me alone about it…so I wrote. I will say of the wilderness/desert place-it’s actually now a place of comfort for me. It’s where I hear His voice and when I feel His presence most. As difficult as those seasons are, I know by now He meets me there.

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