
Confession: I struggle with comparison.

On any given day, I can click on a social media feed and feel inferior.  The opportunities are endless aren’t they?  It doesn’t even have to come from Facebook or Instagram…but since it’s always at our fingertips, it’s quite convenient.  And so we peek into the lives of others and wish for a different existence. (I say “we” because I assume I’m not the only one with said struggle.)

I wonder how God feels about this.

Because aren’t we ultimately saying that He isn’t enough?  That He didn’t know what He was doing when He created us? We don’t even have to speak it with our mouths for He knows the inner workings of our hearts.

And so we fix our eyes are all that we aren’t.  Or all that we don’t have.  And we feel miserable.  And ungrateful.

The truth is, there will always be someone with “more” and “better.”  (Or so it seems, right?  But the grass isn’t always as green as we imagine it to be.  Is it?)  Why do our eyes immediately go to those more attractive, or better skilled?  We see people doing things we want to be doing…taking trips we want to be taking.  Before we know it, we are sucked into the black hole of comparison and rolling around in the atmosphere of illusion.

This was me, just today.  And He whispered to my heart, “There is only one you.”

I felt compelled to write because maybe you need His reminder as well.  Dear friend, there is only one you.  And you are enough.  Because He is enough.

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.”  Psalm 139:13 NLT (italics mine)

I have never tried to knit.  (Honestly, it looks too complicated.  I took a crochet class once and threw that little tool on the table in frustration just 20 minutes into the class.  So I can’t imagine having to deal with not one, but two knitting needles. Overwhelming.)  But have you ever noticed a hand knitted blanket or garment?  There is skill involved as it wasn’t thrown together haphazardly.  It took time, effort and probably a lot of love and patience.  With each click of the knitting needles yarn weaves into yarn, and a new pattern is formed.

Now.  Imagine the time God took with you.  As a nurse, it’s fair to say I know a bit about the human body.  Only a perfectly skilled Creator could make things function they way do…look the way they do.  It’s amazing when you stop to think about every blood vessel.  Every organ.  Every feature.  You are a canvas of God’s workmanship.

And wherever you are in life, friend…you are right where you are supposed to be.  And whatever you feel you are lacking, can I encourage you to remember instead, ALL that you have in Christ Jesus?  ALL that you are in Christ Jesus?  If this is a foreign concept, then I would urge you to pick up His word.  Read what He has to say about you…sons and daughters of the King.

So, put down your phone…shut down your computer.  It doesn’t matter what anyone else looks like…what they’re doing…who they’re with.  There is only one you.

Just be you.


4 Comments on “You

Hope's Hearth
May 8, 2015 at 1:07 am

I think it’s incredibly worthwhile and valuable to prize the uniqueness God cherishes in each of us. He put it there for a reason and when it’s magnifying His name, I think He cherishes it very much. I think we can value people on a whole new level when we strive to see as much of their uniqueness as we can.

May 8, 2015 at 2:25 pm

Agreed! Thank you!

May 11, 2015 at 4:22 pm

I could have written this myself. 😉

May 11, 2015 at 11:20 pm

See, I KNEW I wasn’t alone 🙂

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