Me and Bridget Jones

I suppose the correct grammatical phrase would be “Bridget Jones and I.”  However, wouldn’t you agree that it just doesn’t have the same ring?

Miss Jones and I had a party last night.  Torrential rain flooded my sidewalk whilst I was cozy inside, puppy on one side and fluffy pillows on the other.  Yes, I know “Bridget Jones’ Diary” is irreverent and such.  But it’s also damn funny and made me laugh out loud, which is just what I needed on a Saturday night alone.  Now, don’t get me wrong, my couch was the location of choice for this over-worked girl.  But I will be honest and say that sometimes I think it would be nice to have someone sit next to me on said couch.  (AND he would have to be okay with my movie selections.)

Turns out, Bridget and I have something in common.  Though we are the exact opposite when it comes to her chain-smoking, foul-mouthed, promiscuous ‘sleep with my boss’ lifestyle, we do share one thing.  Spinster-hood.

If you haven’t seen the movie, she refers to herself multiple times as, yes a “spinster.”  At 32.  And I am 36.  Therefore, I have not only entered this ‘lifestyle of aloneness’….No, it would seem I am actually in the throes of single lady-dom.

Here’s a history lesson for you: The term ‘spinster’ goes as far back as the mid 14th century and was used to describe women who spun thread, as this vocation was reserved for those unmarried.  Jump to the 18th century, and the definition becomes “women still unmarried and beyond the usual age for it.”  Hmm.  And now let’s go to the 19th century, and we find the definition includes a population of “women so finicky that they refused to marry.”  Hmm again.

But it was during that century that “middle-class spinsters, as well as their married peers, took ideals of love and marriage very seriously, and … spinsterhood was indeed often a consequence of their adherence to those ideals. … They remained unmarried not because of individual shortcomings but because they didn’t find the one “who could be all things to the heart”.  {Disclaimer-though I like this quote, I believe only Jesus can be “all things to the heart.”}

Also, my interesting resource (ie,wikipedia) says, “during that same century, one editorial in the fashion publication Peterson’s Magazine encouraged women to remain choosy in selecting a mate — even at the price of never marrying. The editorial, titled “Honorable Often to Be an Old Maid,” advised women: “Marry for a home! Marry to escape the ridicule of being called an old maid? How dare you, then, pervert the most sacred institution of the Almighty, by becoming the wife of a man for whom you can feel no emotions of love, or respect even?”

So, in my humble opinion it all boils down to this-at the risk of being called this dreadful word, women can now afford to wait.  They can stand on their own two feet, rather than depending on a man to put a roof over their heads and food in their mouths.  They can have jobs and buy their own houses and be happy all on their own.  Confession: I’ve been told on many occasions that I’m “too picky”-implying this to be a negative trait.  “And?” I want to reply.

Because what’s wrong with being ‘picky?’  And I’m not saying we shouldn’t date a man because he doesn’t have good taste in clothes or because he has a physiological trait he can’t help.  No, the ‘picky’ I’m talking about has much more to do with matters of the heart.

I’m spiritually ‘picky.’  I know enough about God and myself to know that there is not a man on this earth who will ever be who He is to me.  No man can be my Savior.  No man can pursue me the way He does.  No man can minister to my soul like the Holy Spirit.  And because I have all of this in my Lord, I am okay.  Mostly.  I will admit that I’m not okay all of the time.  But the majority of the time, I’m really okay with my life as it is.

And so, this is why I will hold out for as long as it takes for the ‘right one.’  The one who will be more interested in my heart and mind, more-so than my outer appearance.  The one who challenges me to greater faith in God.  The one who will put aside himself and his own desires for the sake of my honor.

And if a gentleman (and notice I said gentleman) approaches me, yes I will be more than happy to accompany him to coffee or chocolate cake.  And we’ll see where it goes.

Until then, welcome to spinster-hood, I say.

6 Comments on “Me and Bridget Jones

The Loveliest Life
May 25, 2015 at 4:32 am

Hidy ho. Love this! And I do love me some Bridget Jones (inspite of the gillion Fs). Question from one soon-to-be spinster (who’s also waiting for a man who loves Jesus and further inspires her to love Jesus) to another. As a Christian woman, do you just accept the spinsterly state and wait for heaven to open up and drop a man at your door, or do you put yourself “out there”? “Out there” being either the limits of space where men are plentiful, or the even murkier world of online dating. I’ve been pondering this question meself and debating writing about it. I am *mostly* ok with spinsterdom and not being “out there”. Mostly, but not always.

May 25, 2015 at 3:43 pm

Hi friend. I love that you asked me this question…and my answer would be a little bit of both.

I do try to put myself out there-attending church functions, going to coffee shops, asking friends if they have friends they can set me up with. I’m always open to a set up even though I have yet to have luck with it.

I am admittedly shy and intimidated by men, so I AM working on being more friendly, smiling and making eye contact.

Regarding Internet dating-I’ve done it in the past, but wasn’t really serious about it and didn’t put a lot of time into it. And this is where I am now on this issue-I just don’t have the time to devote to it. I work full time and teach Holy Yoga 2 days a week. I am about to finish up my 500hr Master Trainer program, and this will give me a little more time. Right now though, any “free” time I have, I choose to enjoy doing what I want to do instead of wading through the crap in online dating sites 😊 Do I believe it can work? Sure. It just takes time and effort that I don’t have/not willing to give.

NOW-I also believe God can do anything and if He can make manna fall from Heaven, He can put the right guy in my path 😊 And I am a bit old school and think men should be the pursuers here…so like what I said before, I believe we as women do have a responsibility to be approachable and inviting. I don’t believe in chasing men…been there, done that and it doesn’t work. And it’s exhausting.

So, ALL this to say, I may pursue online dating again at some point. For right now, I am living life and enjoying my freedom. Thanks again for your question. Let me know when/if you write about this. I’d like to read it ❤️

July 11, 2015 at 1:34 am
July 11, 2015 at 10:20 pm

So good. On a recent lonely Friday night, I filled out a dating site profile…and deleted it 2 hrs later. Like you, it made me feel anxious and uncomfortable. I may revisit it in the future…but not right now.

July 13, 2015 at 7:26 pm

I have done the same thing. Sometimes, it seems like the practical, proactive thing to do and other times I’m convinced that God as the master storyteller has a better and grander in solution if I’ll only wait. Thanks for reading!!

July 13, 2015 at 7:30 pm

Yes. I totally get it.

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