Three Weeks on Tinder

Goodness.  I’m nervous to write this.  But then again, when am I not nervous to let you peek into the workings of my mind and heart?

On a Friday night not so long ago, I filled out and submitted three (yes, THREE) online dating profiles.  I deleted them all an hour later.  I had no idea how expensive these sites were and I’m sorry, but I don’t think one should have to pay for extra security features.  Also, truth be told, after hours of answering questions and submitting pictures, I was a nervous wreck.  My gut was telling me, “No.”  I listened.

However, the situation I found myself in most recently, required a distraction.  I talked to the Lord about it…I discussed it with my counselor…and with a close friend.  We all agreed that I was trusting His sovereignty over every part of my life…except with men.

I’ve never been comfortable around men.  I’ve never trusted them.  It’s not their fault…it’s the result of my brokenness and my response to an abusive father who abandoned me years ago.  Therapy has revealed my tendency to be attracted to “unavailable” men…men who aren’t able to connect emotionally.  Or men who are off limits for other reasons.  I’ll leave it at that.

Why?  Because it’s safer.  Men who aren’t available can’t create as much damage, right?  Wrong.  It’s actually a different kind of damage, one that leaves my heart in ruins while the other person skips away unaffected.  The “barrier” represents a semblance of control…and I see it for the illusion that it is.  I’m reminded of one of those crazy mirrors in a Funhouse.  How it looks like a plain old mirror until you take a glance and see the distorted version of yourself staring back at you.

“Never say never,” they say.  And I said I would NEVER join Tinder.  “It’s a hook-up site,” I reasoned.  (I’m beginning to think this is in fact the case.)  But, seeing as how it’s free (and my budget is tight), I decided to give it a go.  Now…do I think I’m going to meet my soul-mate (if there is such a thing) on there?  No.  But do I think I need to practice dating?  Yes.

Historically, I haven’t dated a ton of guys.  I didn’t actually go out on a date until I was 17 years old.  I spent almost 5 years in love with a guy who only sometimes returned my affection.  I was almost engaged at 29, but thank God that relationship ended before I even had a ring on my finger.

I’ve had crushes here and there, gone out on a handful of dates, but again-I always veer towards the ones I can’t have.  And I was turning into a elderly shut-in who never left her house.

So it was time….almost three weeks ago, I decided (with the help of my friend and soul sister) that I needed to figure out just what I was looking for.  I needed to learn how to set good boundaries.  It was necessary for me to decipher just who I am and how I behave around men.

And let me tell you, I’m getting really good at saying, “No.”  I’m becoming an expert in the “unmatch.”  Because unfortunately, even though I clearly state “Jesus follower” on my profile, men are sending me inappropriate messages and asking to come to my house.  And if one more guy asks me for a “free yoga session”…. Perhaps one of my other goals in this whole venture should be to grow a thicker skin.

I’ve been on five dates in the past three weeks.  More dates than I’ve been on in the last two years.  Some were just ok, one was awful (like I left in tears, awful) and one was actually really good (though he was Muslim).  I feel like I’m becoming a bit more comfortable, though I’m still “doing it afraid.”  When I don’t hear back from a guy, insecurities and anxieties pop up something fierce.  But in the words of my counselor, “Rejection is not rejection.  Rejection is God’s protection.”

I don’t know how long I will last in “Tinderland” as I call it.  But maybe little by little, the Lord will start to reveal new dimensions of His sovereignty.  He’s really good at that, you know.

8 Comments on “Three Weeks on Tinder

August 7, 2015 at 10:33 pm

Oooh my gosh. I can’t believe you wrote and posted this at just this moment. The moment I stepped back to my computer after crying, yes crying, in a stairwell. I was going through the same situation a few months ago and started thinking I needed practice dating. Really, I just wanted to be dating (it’d been seven years). A few weeks after a bawl-fest with Jesus asking why I couldn’t at least date, a new guy appeared — kind of out of nowhere — in my work building, and after a few weeks of smiles and hellos, we went on two dates. He was great but not a Christian so I suggested we just be friends. I really did want to be friends but I think he made it clear that he did not. I thought I would enjoy dating, but it revived TONS of feelings I didn’t even know I still had. Like the feeling that guys are really good at making quick exits (from my dad to every guy I knew in college) no matter how strong and smitten they come on in the beginning. So now I’m thinking I shouldn’t date at all and are there any guys who do stick around? Ever? And now I’m word vomiting in your comments section (sorry) for all the internet to see, and thinking that maybe dating is not worth it and maybe single is good because if a guy wants to “steal your heart” one day and not talk to you the next, what’s the point? But FIVE DATES, gosh that’s exciting. I hope even if you don’t find your ‘soulmate’ you continue to grow and enjoy the process. Also, I totally think we should be friends IRL, unless you think I’m too crazy, which at this point I could totally see.

August 8, 2015 at 12:51 pm

Girl…you can word vomit to me anytime. Yes, let’s be friends and no I don’t think you’re crazy 😊 Let me tell you, I EXPECT men to disappoint me…I expect them to leave. I expect them to only want me for my body. BUT-I’m asking the Lord to change my expectations. Honestly? I enjoy my life. I have freedom and I stay really busy. But like I said in the post, I needed a distraction. Without going into too much detail for all to see, (and maybe we can talk about this privately) I fell hard for a guy that was unavailable to me. And I’m in a new season of “doing things afraid.” I’ve been disappointed A LOT. But it’s getting me out of the house and getting my mind off of this other man. Everything you said above resonated with me. I feel ya girl.

August 10, 2015 at 3:01 am

Thank you! I love the idea of “doing things afraid” =). It gives us such a stretch. Keep writing. Your posts always pop up just when I need them =) I really like this sermon on the topic if you’re interested: My email is =)

August 12, 2015 at 1:07 am

Friend, my heart is so touched. This gives me encouragement to keep at it…to keep doing it afraid 🙂

Shelli A.
August 8, 2015 at 3:23 am

I LOVE your posts! I believe you need to write a book, I would buy three copies one for each of my girls. What a true testimony you have, one that SO many girls can relate too, a testimony that one day I hope my girls have the pleasuring of hearing. Keep going! You are doing awesome work!

August 8, 2015 at 12:51 pm

Gosh Shelli. I’m so touched. Truly, from the bottom of my heart-thank you for your support and encouragement. ❤️

August 10, 2015 at 1:16 pm

I’m astonished (and proud) at your bravery for being so transparent with your emotions and experiences! You truly have a gift and sharing it with others…well, isn’t that the whole point of going thru so much crap? 🙂

August 12, 2015 at 1:08 am

I guess so 🙂

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