Stood Up

Dear reader, I realize my posts have changed as I’ve entered a new season of life…I just want to say thank you to those that continue to read the musings and ramblings of my heart.  My hope and prayer is that He ministers to you through my writing, regardless of what season of life we’re all in.

Four.  It’s the number of times I’ve been “stood up” in the last 3 weeks.  Can I be honest with you and tell you how angry I feel when this happens?  It also makes me want to send these guys messages containing more than a piece of my mind. (Just keeping it real…)

I wish someone could help me understand, because I just don’t get it.  Why ask a girl out, makes plans and then not follow through?  I really want to sit down with these guys and ask them…was it because you were scared?  Or perhaps, you met someone better, prettier, more interesting?  Or maybe it’s none of the above-maybe you actually read my profile and the fact that I’m a follower of Jesus, and not “that kind” of girl?

I stay fairly busy.  Between my full time job and part-time ministry, it takes intention and schedule shifting to make a date, whether it’s with a friend or a possible new romantic interest.  It’s hard not to feel offended when people don’t honor this.  Especially without explanations.  Of course it’s easier to give grace when I know why I’m giving it…and it dawns on me that there is another message and faith lesson in that last line.  Possibly for another time.

I wish I could sit here and tell you that I was unaffected by these no shows.  But I can’t.  In fact, I would be downright lying if I said I haven’t shed a few (or more than a few) tears.  Because it feels like rejection….

The words of my counselor are on mental repeat these days…”Man’s rejection is God’s protection.”  I’m hopeful these words will migrate from my head to my heart one day.  That my soul will finally be able to find rest in the true sovereignty of His hand.  Because that’s what this is…His sovereignty.

“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him.”  Nahum 1:7 (italics mine)

Sometimes I forget how well He knows me…do you feel that way too?  He knows ALL THINGS, way more than our limited humanity can fathom.  He is God and Creator.  But He is also Abba…Daddy and Father.

This morning in church, Matt Chandler said these words: “Only a wicked, unloving father would try to buy his children’s affection by giving them everything they ask for.”  I had to write that one down and re-read it a couple of times.  He kept preaching and I kept reading those words…

Scripture tells us in 1 John that, “God is love.”  Love is His motivator, always.  It’s who He is.  And His love for us knows no bounds or limits.

So when things don’t go the way we planned, or even hoped-from the big things in life to the little things (like a coffee date at Starbucks), could it be that it’s all truly wrapped up in the love of our Father?  That He’s working and manipulating and shutting doors that need to be shut, all for our good?  All because He is so wildly in love with His children?  Yes.  Yes, I think so.