Dark Night

You know when people describe surreal, almost “out of body” experiences?  I think I had one of those today.

It felt like something out of a movie.  The surgeon walked into the room, greeted me with a handshake and sat in the chair across from me.  The moment he sat, as if on queue, thunder clapped its hands in stormy applause.

We both looked at each other with raised brows and I smiled nervously.  Rain pelted the window with wild and crazy rhythm…somewhat mimicking the racing metronome of my own heartbeat.

Surgery.  Just the word makes me feel anxious from the inside-out.  Nobody wants to have surgery.  (Even those seeking cosmetic enhancement don’t necessarily desire surgery itself…just the outcome.)  It’s never convenient to have surgery.  Minor to major, it’s time away from routine, work, exercise, and oh by the way, it’s not cheap-even with insurance.

So I sat there, somewhat attentive and nodded my head in a daze-like trance.  He went on to describe the “smile-like incision” (as if calling it “smile-like” should make me feel better?) he would make on my throat and quipped a funny line about deserving a new pearl or diamond necklace to cover my scar.

I haven’t told a large number of people about this.  (Until now, that is.)  Mainly because I haven’t been able to talk about it-really talk about it without crying.  And any time I’ve mentioned it straight-faced to a friend, I’ve cried in my car afterwards.

It’s not just the surgery itself that makes me feel emotional.  Though I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared out of my mind.  But it’s more how I’m feeling about God right now that causes the tears to fall….sad, disappointed, angry, frustrated…wondering where He is in all of this.  Yes, all of this.

“Because is it not enough, Lord?  Has my body not been through enough already?”  This is an ongoing conversation I’m having with Him these days…and then I proceed to remind Him of my list of diagnosis’.  As if He’s forgotten.

Cancer, cardiomyopathy (though stable at this time, my cardiologist likes to remind me that I am at risk for “sudden cardiac death” and that I “may need a heart transplant in the future”), ovarian failure and premature menopause (its fun by-products being hot flashes, debilitating migraines, anxiety, night sweats, fatigue…and it makes me sad that I will never know what it feels like to be pregnant.)  I’m also 3 months in with mono and though I have mostly kept up with life, I still don’t feel like myself.

And now this.

OR…and then I tell God how unfair it is that I have an absent father and that I’m still single at 37.  And a half.  (Because, if I have to go through one more thing, couldn’t I at least have my person beside me?)

I say, “I tell God” when what I really mean is, “I yell at God.”  Because, if we’re being honest, this is what my prayers have become.

And then I immediately feel ashamed and guilty…because though I feel I’ve had my fair share of challenges in life, I also know I am not owed anything.  I know the question is never, “Why me?” so much as it is “Why NOT me?”  I deserve way worse than all of this and then some…because though I try to be good, my heart is still sinful and in desperate, daily need of a Savior.  And lastly, I know it can always, always be worse.  Someone, somewhere has it way worse than I do…

So I cry even harder, because I feel like my heart is in a tug-of-war with what I know to be true and with what I’m really feeling on the inside.  I don’t want to be frustrated with God anymore.  I want to be okay with life as it is.

I wrote a piece a while back about being mad at God.  It was therapeutic and I’ve since re-read it as a reminder to myself.  But I still struggle with where I’m at spiritually.  Is this what a “dark night of the soul” feels like?

One thing I do know is nights always end and mornings always begin.  I know this because morning frequently comes too early and I’m never ready to leave the comfort of my bed.  So this makes me think about what happens when I’m sleeping…

A lot could be said of the dark.  It can be scary, vulnerable, and a little too quiet.  But darkness is optimal for good sleep.  And when we sleep, dear reader, we heal.  Scientific studies prove this, which is why adequate sleep is necessary for a healthy mind and body.  Aside from preventative benefits, what does every doctor say when we’re sick?  “Get plenty of rest.”

Could it be then, that the ‘dark night’ is actually restorative?  We may get up in the middle hours so to speak, and try to feel our way down black hallways.  But there comes a point-and I feel I’ve reached it-when we’ve become so spiritually tired, we just collapse out of sheer exhaustion.  There comes a point when we’ve simply had enough.

I’ve been asking myself and my Father just what to do with this….

I wonder…..Maybe we could lay our hearts down.

Yes.  We could lay our hearts down and reach for covers, fluffing pillows just so.  We could close our soul-eyes and just be in the presence of rest, surrendering to the soundness of sleep.

And as we surrender, we allow the Redeemer to redeem…the Keeper to keep…the Healer to heal.









7 Comments on “Dark Night

Jo Lau
May 24, 2016 at 6:29 pm

Oh sweet sister, it seems an oxymoron to say this is such a well-written piece but it is. It is because tears well up as I read into your soul. Thank you for your courage and for sharing. I can’t say I understand nor feel what you are going through but my heart still aches for your suffering. I am sitting in a hotel right now in Amman, Jordan, having gone through 2 days of migraine hell while traveling. And to think that was a disappointment… I can’t even fathom the strength one needs to go through what you are. Lord give my sister peace and thank You, Father, for using her to lift others up (as she certainly has for me). You are sweet, Amanda. I love you lots, even from a distance. Hang in there. The Lord has something special in store for you, I trust.

May 24, 2016 at 7:24 pm

Thank you sweet Jo for your love, prayers and encouragement. It means so much to me, truly. He is good and He is faithful. Praying relief for your migraines!! <3

May 26, 2016 at 5:08 pm

this. you beautiful, gentle soul. I understand so much of this. health issues are no effing joke. hang on tight. I’m hanging on with you. Jesus has got us. You are SO COVERED IN GRACE. Learning HOW to rest is so hard- we are so used to just go, go, go… gotta fix this… gotta worry about this… gotta try to stop panicking… nope. gotta rest. just rest. <3 so proud of you and of this and of this deep, hard and holy, heart work happening in you.

May 26, 2016 at 5:37 pm

I love how you say “health issues are no effing joke.” It made me smile and say Amen at the same time 😊 Thank you for reading my words and for taking the time to affirm and encourage me today. I can’t even tell you how touched I am ❤️

May 26, 2016 at 7:15 pm

Anytime 😘

May 27, 2016 at 11:05 am

Oh beautiful friend. I’m so sorry you have to go through all of this. I’ve been through a bit myself with a paralysis condition as a child, living with nerve pain, getting digestive issues as an adult, fighting to get help and trying pretty much anything eventually opting to have colostomy surgery, having to empty my bladder through intermittent self catheterization, and then added things like anxiety, an autoimmune skin condition and other “little things” that come up here and there adding to the overall burden of not quite having an optimally functioning body…. I understand the feelings you have, both tiredness and sadness, anger and guilt about questioning God. I’ve had these feelings and “discussions” with God here and there pretty much since my teens and I’m now the same age as you, 37. I don’t think I’d ever walk away from God, but I find the trust in God does get a bit shaken and I feel that has to be ok. It often takes a while before we can look back and see God’s protection and presence in darker times and so while in the middle of a bad day, week, month, year, whatever it may be, I try to let it be what it is including my feelings. The little seed, the core of trust is in there somewhere deep even during these times and it’s ok to let it sit there and with love and nurturing it will blossom again eventually. When I was in the middle of the worst time with my digestive issues and really struggling I got the words to me from the end of Job’s book where it says that God blessed the later part of Job’s life more than the earlier part. It gave me strong hope that although there was a lot of struggle and problems may come and go, there was this “other side” of the big struggles – and God has indeed blessed me in many ways since then. I pray that this is true for you too even in this life here on earth. That your future will be blessed more than your past and that it will be bright. Love, hugs and prayers! <3

May 27, 2016 at 2:37 pm

Friend, there is nothing more comforting than a “me too.” And I hear that in your words…you get it. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had so many physical trials…my heart aches for you too. But I love what you said about letting “it be what it is including my feelings.” I too have to believe God is okay with our doubts, our questions, our shaky trust. Doesn’t He know us better than we know ourselves…and in knowing us so intimately and deeply, He is so familiar with our hearts and how we process and grieve. I believe there is a certain depth in knowing Him and His character that comes with walking through the darkness…and perhaps that in itself is the reward. Thank you for your love, hugs and prayers. Sending them all back to you as well <3

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